The best way to find this out is by booking a demo.
However, in the following we outline how we think about solving your data needs. If this matches your beliefs, we are most likely a good fit.
Data Accuracy is the #1 priority
Delivering the best possible data, especially when it comes to tracking & attribution, is our main goal. This focus enables us to deliver unmatched data quality. This comes at the expense of fancy UIs or trendy AI features.
Being fully-integrated & fully-customizable
We don’t believe in telling you how to run your business with fixed reports designed by us. This is why adtribute lets you build your fully-custom solution. Integrate all data points, define your KPIs, Dimensions, Conversions, and create custom reports with it.
Being scale & future-proof
Adopting a new data solution is painful. adtribute should be the last data solution you need. Our data infrastructure is unaffected by recent technological privacy regulation and specifically designed to stay unaffected in the future. Our data infrastructure is also built to withstand the changing needs of fast-growing companies - making sure you can’t outgrow us.